Thursday, December 23, 2004

part 3

If not for the distractions of daily subsistance Jacqueline may have ended up soundly fixed in a stare, locked in a battle between her conscious detachment and subconcious yearnings. Unknown, unexplored yearnings eager to feed on the mystery. Just as coy fish feeding serenely at the surface belie the complexity below the murky park pond water her colours were radiant just below a stagnant surface being fed by tourists of literature and documentaries, sitcoms and reality shows.

Each day the stain took on more fascinating and unique forms. She found herself looking forward to returning home from work and settling in to her favourite recliner in the center of the room (where she had now placed it) just below the morphing blot.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

part 2

She squinted her eyes and scratched her brain while running her fingertips across her brow. The hairs on her arms stood at casual attention. Her analytical brain spun, bobbed and weaved... pulling out the occasional Judo move attempting to pin down the phenomenom.... trap it in a hold and slap it into submission... "Tell me what you are! Explain yourself, rogue anomaly! Ready phasers!". But try as
she might she could neither replicate nor explicate. The demon seed of doubt was planted. The ogre of uncertainty was loosed and together these miscreants would rain chaos on her logical mind.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Monkey Monty's Unfinished Tales Of Gibberish

She wasn't born beige but Jacqueline did enter the world quietly.
The surgeons mask was not eggshell but a suggestion of eggshell...
non-offensive white... neither too white nor too creamy. The lights were maybe even a little dimmer that day...but not enough to call the birth on account of bad weather. In the months leading up to her scheduled arrival her mother occupied herself with internal debates and diplomatic
cooking while father was indifferent to his office potlucks, choosing instead to lunch at a nearby falafel stand of reknowned blandness. With little fanfare and minimal clean-up she joined the Jejune family that day. A day later, under the protection of flannel and the locomotion of Chrysler, they travelled home to Placid Bay.

It was on a similar day shortly before her 28th birthday that she noticed it. The voices down the hallway had a lilt...dare she say it? (dare her thesaurous protest) ... a twang?.... a resonance?..... a melody to their cacophony? (Nearby an ant in a tuxedo limped across the table. A junebug hit the window with a daytimer set to August. A moth spasmodically tried to escape the light fixture while attempting to dial the locksmith). She looked up and noticed the slight stain on the ceiling from the leak in November. It held the glowing persona of religious iconolatry. Only briefly. A fraction of a second. A flea's gag reflex in length...but it was there.

to be continued

First attempt.. Please standby

This is where myself and my partner, the Monkey will be making posts in the foreseeable future.. We may be somewhat nearsighted, but hopefully not.. Please be patient and tip your waitress.

ten feet tall media